So now that he's convicted and my kids are protected is my job done? Absolutely not! In the last two weeks alone I have heard of two different accounts where the kids are being abused and there is no proof, nothing there to protect them. This cannot go on! I ask any judge, detective, cop, lawyer, anyone involved with these kinds of cases; if this was your kid would it be okay with you to take the chance that your child would get abused based on a lack of evidence? Would it be okay with you to look your child in the eyes and know they're telling the truth but you can't protect them so you ignore it? What kind of parent would be okay with that? The system is broken ladies and gentleman and I'm one voice, one small voice proposing we combine our voices, we speak up to make a change to protect these precious babies. I know, "innocent until proven guilty" but where are the rights for these kids, who are just that, innocent?
To those parents who are fighting so desperately to protect your kids: I know you feel alone. You are not alone! I am fighting with you. I am praying for you, pleading for a way to help you protect your baby. Do not ever give up! Ever! I don't know why I was fortunate enough to have things work out the way they did and obtain proof. God works in mysterious ways. I had a chat with Heavenly Father and basically told Him that I would rather run away into hiding than let my daughter be abused one more time. I was prepared to do anything to keep her safe and her brothers safe. So I begged and pleaded for His help and somehow He heard my pleas and took mercy upon me. I don't believe He wants to see innocent children suffer despite all of the suffering in the world. It is OUR job to stand up and fight for them! If we have a desire to do good and a humble heart I know He will help us in His way and His timing. Where there is a will there's a way! I know the anguish and the absolute torture it is to know that it is your child that is hurting. Your child, and there's nothing the state or anyone else can do to help you protect them.
I don't know how to fix this serious problem that is occurring but I feel passionately about it and I know there are others out there that do too. If you are sick of this happening, if you know someone who is afflicted by this, please share this post! Pass it on, share it! Lets get people talking about it! How can we make a difference? Lets get ideas out there flowing and put an end to this nonsense of "no proof". No proof doesn't mean it didn't happen! In fact more often than not in sexual abuse cases there is no proof unless they did certain, horrific things. Why should we have to wait for it to get that far? There was no way I was going to wait for physical evidence!
I'm not proposing we lock up everyone who is ever accused of child abuse. I know first hand of people that have been accused of it and were innocent. But surely there has to be a better way to go about it to protect the child.
No proof was not good enough for my daughter. It's not good enough for your child either. The only thing I could think of when the detective sent me home with the words, "no proof" was that was not a good enough reason to allow it to happen again. One child, one time; is one child, one time too many!
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