Saturday, December 10, 2016

Working to Heal

17. That's how many blog posts I have started writing but haven't been able to finish. My heart has been changed in so many ways by this blog and by those who have read it. I truly believe if it weren't for some of my readers I wouldn't be where I am today. One reader in particular has anonymously given my family so much. It is because of her that I was even able to care for my mom the way I did and now attend nursing school. I have taken to calling her my guardian angel, you see she has been paying for childcare for my kids for about a year now. I don't even know her name and she volunteered to pay for childcare for my four kids! That's only one of the many generous things she has done and definitely a story that will be told sometime in the future.

With that being said, nursing school, my kids, my mom's affairs, and my grief have kept me plenty busy. My heart yearns to tell the world about the miracles I have seen, the love I've experienced, the service I've been extended, the healing powers of the Atonement and the grace of God. I know now is not that time. I am in a difficult phase of my life that requires more of me than I would like but because of the selfless love of the Savior I know that this will be just that, a phase. My heart will heal and I will see happier days. I WILL write again and when I do it will be beautiful, raw, emotional, and theraputic for me. Until that day comes I am going to put my all into being the very best mommy, sister, friend, niece, and student I can possibly be. I appreciate every single person reading this and encourage you to stay tuned. One day I will be back and it will be wonderful! I have experienced too much goodness to not share it. I sincerely love you all for allowing me to be vulnerable and for supporting me through some of the most difficult times in my life! Now it's time for me to heal and put in the work to create a beautiful life for myself and my precious babies.

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